The Do’s & Do Not’s of Curly Girl Method
Though there is no hard & fast rules when it comes to embracing your natural hair, here are few tips that can help you to make your curly hair transitioning journey easier. Stop using HEAT treatments like blow drying / flat ironing as this does damage your hair. Stop using CHEMICAL treatments for hair straightening. Hair that is chemically straightened doesn’t go back to its natural state. You need to do the BIG CHOP to get rid of the chemically straightened hair. Stop using products with Sulfates, Slicones, Parabens, Drying Alcohols. Switch to Curly Girl Approved, natural products. To know if a product is CG approved, copy the ingredients to Curlsbot or Isitcg website. This will tell you if the product you are using is Curly Hair Friendly or not. Avoid combing or brushing your hair when it is dry as this leads to hair breakage and loss of curl pattern. Detangle with your fingers or a wide tooth comb in shower after applying conditioner. Stop using regular towels as they create frizz. Use a microfiber towel for drying your hair as this absorbs excess water without drying your hair or creating frizz.